Adelaide, South Australia

January 13, 2019

We covered the shortest travel leg of the trip last night, sailing just 57 nautical miles from Kangaroo Island to Adelaide. At the dock, when we arrived, were hundreds of imported cars, mostly Toyotas. Our guide said at one time Australia had 4 car plants, including Ford and GM, but the last one closed 2 years ago. They also do not manufacture major appliances like refrigerators. Global trade is critical to them. She also said they hear more about Trump than their own Prime Minister.

The day, Sunday, was sunny, breezy with low humidity, temp about 80. Adelaide is the capitol of South Australia. We drove through the city to Mt. Lofty, and like Perth, it was another well maintained urban area. Lots of parks with very few people in them. Some roads were blocked off, as the Tour Down Under bike race was beginning. We had a picture taking opportunity at Mt. Lofty, ~2,400 ft., where there were good views of Adelaide, the region, and the South Ocean.

We drove through some cute villages on our way to a wine tasting. The former brewery and winery had been owned by the Johnston family since the 1800’s. Although production has moved elsewhere, they converted the stable into a tasting room and gave us samples of 6-7 wines. These were not Australia’s best wines, and the French have nothing to worry about! The highlight was spotting a koala who seemed to be asking the tourists, “What’s the big deal. You woke me up.”

We saw more of the city on the retun trip. After a quick lunch, we relaxed on our balcony and finished the latest Mensa Quiz. Dave checked sports scores, both his Celtics and Paladins lost Saturday night.

Later, the ship hosted another all-ship barbecue on the Pool Deck. The temperature was more pleasant than when they did this earlier in the cruise.


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